This project focussed on the specific role of the arts in adult education. The project supported partnerships of institutions working in adult education and promoted the exchange of their representatives. Twelve civil society organizations from 10 EU Member States (AT, CZ, DE, ES, HU, IT, PL, RO, SL, UK) together shared this lifelong learning experience.

While each artistic medium (e.g. film, visual arts, performing arts etc.), is distinct in itself, the arts as a whole represent a universal means of communication. At the same time, just as each European country has its own unique cultural and national background, so too does it have its own approach in its artistic expressions. It was between these two poles that the project was carried out. With the help of this partnership, a range of organizations with staff from a variety of backgrounds used six international conferences as a communication platform to facilitate a low-threshold intercultural exchange for the sharing of experiences and approaches.

Each COMART conference covered different main themes that included:- the role of the arts to integrate socially marginalized groups- the role of the arts in urban development- the role of the arts and media for social inclusion- the role of the arts in adult education institutions

In general, there was an excellent mix of workshops, plenary discussions, exhibitions, talks and field trips that gave the project a very broad basis and approach, a structure that proved to be suitable for this partnership because it provided participants with opportunities for active involvement while at the same time learning from each other.

Photographs shown below were taken during our first meeting which were held in December 2011.